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You can have a significant impact on Council’s plans for the next four years by joining our Community Priorities Panel.

You will have the opportunity to represent your family, neighbours, and community on the panel and think big about how we can shape Glen Eira together. You will help us to consider the outcomes we should aim to achieve to keep delivering what our community needs and values most over the next four years.

What's involved

All selected panel members will need to attend a series of five panel meetings. During these meetings you will have the opportunity to hear from Councillors, senior Council officers and subject matter experts. You will learn more about our organisation, consider our challenges and opportunities, take in research and data, and provide informed recommendations to Council. Your recommendations will help to shape our plans for the next four years, building on what the broader community tells us through the Our Place, Our Plan – Shaping Glen Eira together survey and engagement activities.

The meeting schedule

Meeting one — meet and greet

Wednesday 19 March 6–8pm, online

Meeting two — workshop

Sunday 23 March 10am–4pm, in person

Murrumbeena Park Community Hub
28 Gerald Street, Murrumbeena

Meeting three — workshop

Sunday 30 March, 10am–4pm, in person

Murrumbeena Park Community Hub

28 Gerald Street, Murrumbeena

Meeting four — workshop

Sunday 6 April 10am–4pm, in person

Murrumbeena Park Community Hub

28 Gerald Street, Murrumbeena

Meeting five — sharing your recommendations

Thursday 17 April 6–8pm, online

Contact Us

Have questions or want to learn more about a project, contact us below:

Contact Information
Phone 03 9524 3333