Public exhibition of Planning Scheme Amendment C247 — Bentleigh East Neighbourhood Activity Centre (Bentleigh East NAC) closed on Monday 23 October 2023.

Following public exhibition, Council resolved to refer all submissions to an independent planning panel and received the Planning Panel report back on 8 March 2024 (available for viewing via the Document Library on this page).

The Planning Panel report was presented to Council and the amendment was adopted on 1 May 2024. The amendment was then sent to the Minister for Planning and Council is currently awaiting final approval.


Council adopted the Bentleigh East Neighbourhood Activity Centre Built Form Framework (BFF) in November 2021. This framework serves as the foundation for preparing statutory planning controls that aim to manage the future growth and development of the centre, while still maintaining the character of Bentleigh East. The Design and Development Overlay (DDO) is the new permanent planning control proposed to implement the BFF.

A planning scheme amendment is required to introduce these planning controls into the Glen Eira Planning Scheme. We have prepared Amendment C247 for this purpose.

Land affected by Amendment C247glen

The DDO puts in place specific design controls for the commercial areas of the Bentleigh East Neighbourhood Activity Centre (NAC) including maximum preferred building heights, upper-level setbacks and other development requirements.

For more information about the Bentleigh East NAC, the proposed DDO or the history of this project, please refer to the Information Sheet.

To see the relevant planning and background documents on exhibition, please refer to the Department of Transport and Planning website.