
We Asked — You Said — We Did

9 December 2019

We asked

Council began the structure planning process in late 2016, by asking residents what they like and don’t like about their local shopping strip, and their vision for the centre in the future. The consultation explored how people access the centre, and started the conversation about open space, transport and development.

Over 2017, Council built on this feedback and worked with the community to establish a vision for Carnegie:

Carnegie will be a safe, connected and welcoming centre that embraces its’ authentic urban character and cultural identity. The centre will be a destination for night-life, shopping and employment, supporting a range of businesses and interconnected community spaces that meet the needs of the local community.

The vision, and set of objectives, was included in the Activity Centre, Housing and Local Economy Strategy. A draft Concept Plan for Carnegie was developed and tested with the community between July and September 2017. Then, from all of the feedback received throughout the process, a draft Structure Plan was developed and released for community review between October and December 2018.

You said

Throughout the whole Structure Planning Process, a wealth of views and aspirations for Carnegie were expressed by the community. This feedback can be found by accessing the website here. The community told Council what they liked about Carnegie and what they wanted to see for Carnegie into the future.

Community feedback on the draft Concept Plan, and then the draft Structure Plan for Carnegie identified key issues that included concerns about development, overshadowing, overlooking, noise, traffic and visual bulk; and support for retention of the Character Overlay control over Chestnut Street.

We did

Council revised the provisions in the draft Structure Plan to reflect community feedback. A final Structure Plan for Carnegie was presented to Council and adopted in February 2018. A Planning Scheme Amendment Package was endorsed by Council in December 2018, and has been submitted to the Victorian Planning Minister for consideration.