Project update — March 2025

Submissions for Amendment C256 have now closed.

The Victorian Government has announced that they will take over structure planning for Elsternwick under the Activity Centres Program.

Public consultation for Amendment C256 was open from Thursday 13 February to Friday 28 March 2025. Council will review all submissions received and provide a summary to the Government.

For details on the Victorian Government’s Activity Centres Program, visit the Department of Transport and Planning website.

Implementing the Elsternwick Structure Plan

Amendment C256 proposes to introduce permanent planning controls into the Glen Eira Planning Scheme to provide greater certainty about the scale of future development in the Elsternwick Major Activity Centre (MAC).


The Elsternwick Structure Plan was adopted by Council in August 2023. It outlines a 15-year plan for the future development of the Elsternwick Major Activity Centre.

The Structure Plan aims to guide growth in suitable areas, ensuring it contributes to our high-quality streets, public open spaces, heritage character, and local amenity.

It includes a mix of mandatory and discretionary building heights and outlines a shared vision for the Centre’s future. The Structure Plan is the result of technical analysis, design work, and community consultation.

View the Amendment material

The Amendment will be on public exhibition through the Department of Transport and Planning website from Thursday 13 February – Friday 28 March 2025.

Amendment C256 📍

To implement the Structure Plan’s recommendations, a planning scheme amendment is required to introduce permanent planning controls into the Glen Eira Planning Scheme. We have prepared Amendment C256 for this purpose.

In September 2024, the Minister for Planning authorised Council to proceed with Amendment C256.

The Amendment will be on public exhibition for six weeks from Thursday 13 February – Friday 28 March 2025. View the Amendment material at the Department of Transport and Planning website.

The Amendment proposes to:

  • Introduce new permanent planning controls along the main retail, cultural and urban renewal precincts of the Elsternwick MAC through a Design and Development Overlay that manages building heights, setbacks, and other development aspects.
  • Rezone some parcels of land within the MAC to allow for mixed land uses and greater housing diversity.
  • Update other parts of the Planning Scheme to implement the Structure Plan.

For further information, see the maps below.


  • Map 1: Shows the land affected by the Amendment outlined in pink.
  • Map 2: Shows the proposed Design and Development Overlay, including the proposed building heights and interface types. For more information on interface types, see the diagram in the document library.
  • Map 3: Shows the land proposed to be rezoned. The zone references shown in the map include:
    • Neighbourhood Residential Zone (NRZ)
    • General Residential Zone (GRZ)
    • Residential Growth Zone (RGZ)
    • Commercial 1 Zone (C1Z)
    • Mixed Use Zone (MUZ)
    • Public Use Zone (PUZ)
    • Public Park and Recreation Zone (PPRZ).

Submissions 📩

Submissions to this Amendment must be made in writing and include the submitter’s name and contact details so that we can keep you updated about the progress of the Amendment.

In your submission, you should briefly outline your views about the Amendment and state whether you:

  • support
  • oppose
  • seek changes.

Submissions can be made via the following methods:

  • Online via our submission form on the Have Your Say webpage (below)
  • Via email to:
  • Via mail to: City Futures, Glen Eira City Council, PO Box 42, Caulfield South, 3162
  • In person: Glen Eira Town Hall — Customer Service, Corner Glen Eira and Hawthorn Roads, Caulfield

Please note: under the Planning and Environment Act 1987, all submissions are required to be made public. Personal information will be redacted.

Next steps ⏭️

All submissions will be considered by Council at a future Ordinary Council Meeting (OCM). At this meeting, Council will decide whether to:

  • abandon the Amendment
  • make changes to the Amendment
  • refer the amendment to an independent planning panel.

If Council refers the Amendment to a panel, submitters can choose to be heard at the hearing. Even if they aren’t heard, all submissions will still be considered by the panel.

The panel’s recommendation will then be reviewed by Council at another OCM. If Council adopts the Amendment (with or without changes), it will then go to the Minister for Planning for final approval and gazettal into the Planning Scheme.

Amendment stages

A planning scheme amendment goes through six stages. Amendment C256 is at Stage 2.

  • Council requests permission from the Minister for Planning to prepare an amendment.
  • The Minister authorises the amendment.

  • The amendment is placed on public exhibition, and the community can make written submissions.

  • Council considers the submissions, and decides whether to abandon, modify, or send the amendment to an independent planning panel.

  • If the amendment is referred to a planning panel, all submissions are shared with the panel.
  • If you made a submission, you can request to be heard at the hearing.

  • Council will consider the panel report, including panel’s recommendations.
  • Council may adopt the amendment as recommended by the panel, make changes, or abandon the amendment.

  • If Council changes or adopts the amendment, it’s referred to the Minister for Planning for approval, then published in the government gazette and incorporated into the Planning Scheme.