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Asset Management Policy adopted

The Asset Management Policy was adopted by Council at the Ordinary Council Meeting on 13 August 2024.*

The Policy now aligns with the Asset Management Plan 2022 (Plan) developed two years ago. A community-wide communication and engagement campaign was conducted from 5 July to 21 July 2024 to complement the already extensive ‘collaborate’ engagement that was previously conducted to develop the Plan.

The engagement program received a total of 30 survey responses. Thank you to community members who contributed their feedback. A copy of the engagement summary report incorporating the survey findings is available in the document library.

We also collected feedback on the Asset Management Strategy during this engagement program. The feedback on the strategy will be held over and incorporated into our next four-year Council Plan. Council’s central strategic document is the Council Plan and, in the past, has been supported by our other four-year plans including the Financial Plan, Asset Plan, Workforce Plan and Community Wellbeing Plan. Our 2025-2029 Council plan will see these four-year plans become more integrated, meaningful and connected, and this will be where we will use your feedback on the Asset Management Strategy.

Key engagement results

  • 60 per cent (18 respondents) agree or strongly agree with objective one: Climate resilient and environmentally sustainable.

  • 83 per cent (25 respondents) agree or strongly agree with objective two: Inclusive and accessible.

  • 67 per cent (20 respondents) agree or strongly agree with objective three: Community informed and service led.

  • 64 per cent (19 respondents) agree or strongly agree with objective four: Governance and culture.

  • 67 per cent (20 respondents) agree or strongly agree with objective five: Information management and reporting.

  • 67 per cent (20 respondents) agree or strongly agree with objective six: Lifecycle and long-term planning.

  • 64 per cent (19 respondents) agree or strongly agree with objective seven: Best practice and continuous improvement.

Engagement summary

Transitioning to Strategic Asset Management

We want your feedback on the refresh of our draft Asset Management Policy and Asset Management Strategy so it better aligns with our Asset Plan 2022-2032.

Managing community assets for current residents and future generations is one of Council’s most important responsibilities.

We know from our biggest-ever engagement program – Our Priorities, Our Future – that the community wants us to maximise our assets and look after them responsibly. It was one of the community’s key recommendations to Council.

There are three main parts to how we manage assets. They are the Asset Plan, Policy, and Strategy.

The Asset Plan is the main document that guides the work that we do. It sets the direction of how we manage our assets. The Policy and Strategy are our to-do lists — they set out how we’ll deliver on the actions and goals of the Plan.

We want to ensure our asset management approach continues to reflect your priorities, so we’re updating our Asset Management Policy and Strategy.

How we engaged on our Asset Plan in 2022

The community helped shape the Asset Plan in 2022, through a deliberative engagement process that included 22 residents who made recommendations on the development of the Plan. We also heard from over 300 residents about their priorities and the areas of improvement they would like Council to address.

During this engagement our community told us that the most important asset management areas were climate resilience and environmental sustainability, long-term planning, reporting and governance. This feedback was used to inform the development of the Plan. Now we have updated our Policy and Strategy to better align with the Plan.

The assets we manage

The below provides an outline of the assets we manage and their replacement and annual depreciation values.
  • Roads and transport

    • Roads: 465km
    • Right of ways: 33km
    • Footpaths: 866km
    • Local area traffic management devices: 1370
    • Kerb and channel: 832km
    • Car parks: 168,500 sqm

    Replacement value: $398.2 million

    Annual depreciation: $7.1 million

  • Buildings and facilities

    • 511 buildings and community facilities

    Replacement value: $298.6 million

    Annual depreciation: $5.5 million

  • Stormwater drainage

    • Pipes: 600km
    • Pits: 25,200

    Replacement value: $197 million

    Annual depreciation: $2 million

  • Open space

    • Open space reserves: 72
    • Playgrounds: 47
    • Parks, reserves and sporting grounds: 186 hectares

    Replacement value: $113.1 million

    Annual depreciation: $5.4 million

Have your say

The survey is open until Sunday 21 July.

Having read the draft Asset Management Policy and draft Asset Management Strategy please share your thoughts and feedback in the survey below.