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3 May 2023

Update: 5 April 2023

Thank you to everyone who participated in the 2023-24 Budget survey. The survey is now closed.

In the survey, we asked you to indicate your preferred spending priorities for the 2023-24 year. The results of the survey can be found in the attached Budget 2023-24 Community Engagement Report.

Council has noted the community feedback and is using it to inform the development of the Draft 2023-24 Budget. Once completed, the Draft Budget will be presented to the community for feedback.


Are we on track with our spending priorities for the next financial year? Let us know and be part of our 2023–2024 planning and budget process.

Every year Council produces a Budget explaining how funds will be spent on behalf of the community.

At the start of the Council’s term, we asked you what your vision was for the next four years so we could set our spending priorities. We've continued to seek your views through a range of community engagement activities held to develop our Community Vision, Council Plan, various Strategies and planning for previous Budgets. Community feedback has significantly helped us to allocate funds to the things you said were important such as:

  • sustainability measures, including increasing open space and tree canopy, funding the Urban Forest Strategy and implementing energy efficiency measures
  • planning for growth within our commercial districts to assist local businesses
  • investment in urban planning to guide development in our municipality
  • maintaining investment in services for community members at all life stages

How we allocate funding

Council provides a broad range of services for the community, and allocates funding across a number of priority areas each year including:

  • delivering a range of services for the community, including aged care, seniors, youth, family, children, disability and accessibility
  • support for business and the community
  • providing library services and arts and culture programs
  • maintaining roads, footpaths, parks, playgrounds and buildings
  • maintaining and increasing our open space and facilities for sporting and leisure activities
  • providing rubbish and recycling services
  • delivering climate response initiatives including planting trees and greening the municipality

As we plan for the 20232024 Budget, we want to know:

  • which of these areas you would like to see council spend more on?
  • which of these areas you would like to see council spend less on?

Your feedback will help us to ensure that funds are best spent to meet community needs.

What's changed?

Like any other organisation Council is impacted by a broad range of economic factors such as rate-capping, high inflation and the impact of COVID-19. These issues will continue to influence how we balance our budget and develop the 20232024 Budget. Throughout the budget planning process, we will let you know how your feedback has been considered and incorporated and provide reasons for the decisions we make.

We are committed to delivering good value for money to you, our community. We will continue to deliver the high-quality services and facilities that you value and that make our city a great place to live.

How to get involved

Residents and ratepayers of all ages and all backgrounds are encouraged to participate, via our online survey below.


Planning for the future has always played a critical role in ensuring the work we do in the short-term contributes to the long-term goals and aspirations of our community. Click on the links on the right-hand side of the page for more information on:

  • How rates are calculated and a video explaining rate capping
  • Glen Eira Council's Integrated Planning and Performance Framework
  • Glen Eira Community Vision 2040
  • Glen Eira Council Plan 20212025
  • Previous Budget 20222023