Closing the loop

Council endorses Governance Rules

Following community engagement earlier this year, our guiding governance documents were updated and adopted by Council at the September Council meeting.

Three documents were endorsed:

  • Governance Rules: a set of rules that determine how the elected Councillors meet and make decisions. These rules define how Councillors, community members and Council staff participate in official Council meetings, to ensure a fair and productive process. They also outline how we manage the local government election period, in line with the Local Government Act 2020.
  • Conduct at Meetings and Common Seal Local Law: a local law that governs public conduct at Council meetings and the Common Seal, a device which is used for the execution of Council documents.
  • Public Participation Policy: governs public participation at Council meetings and written public questions to Council.

These documents reflect best-practice, respond to contemporary governance needs and strengthen and support safe and inclusive community participation.

What has changed?

In line with community feedback, a range of changes were integrated into the documents, including:

  • acceptable behaviour rules for attendance to make meetings safer, more transparent and more effective
  • a Councillor notice of motion and the option to revoke a notice of motion, and
  • formally placing public question times at the start of each Council meeting

We also clarified the Mayoral election process to make sure it’s clear and easy to understand for Councillors, the community and Council staff.

To read more and download a copy of the documents, visit our website.

Published on 24 September 2024

Community engagement

Our Governance Rules and Meeting Procedure Local Law are the cornerstones of Council’s governance framework, supporting decision making at Council meetings in line with the Local Government Act 2020. 

We’re reviewing and updating these documents so we can meet modern governance standards.

What is changing?

We are proposing a range of changes that would affect how Council meetings operate. The most notable changes include:

  • introducing acceptable behaviour rules for attendees to ensure the health and safety of Councillors, Council Officers and community members;
  • introducing a Councillor's notice of motion and the option to revoke a motion; and
  • clarification of the mayoral election process.

To implement these changes we are proposing an update focused on our Governance Rules. This would be supported by revoking the Council Meeting Procedure Local Law, introducing the Conduct at Meetings and Common Seal Local Law, and merging existing guidelines into a Public Participation Policy.

You can download the proposed Governance Rules, Conduct at Meetings and Common Seal Local Law, and Public Participation Policy documents from the document library on this page.

For a more detailed overview of the changes, click on the sections below.

Governance Rules are a set of rules that determine how the elected Councillors meet and make decisions. These rules define how Councillors, community members, and Council staff can participate in official Council meetings to ensure a fair and productive process. All local governments are required to have a set of Governance Rules under the Local Government Act 2020.

The proposed changes to this document focus on implementing best practice and simplifying. These proposed changes are the:

  • addition of Mayor/Deputy Mayor election and Meetings Procedure information (removed from the Local Law);
  • introduction of a notice of motion (in writing by at least three Councillors) and the option to rescind a notice of motion; and
  • public question time to formally be placed at the start of each Meeting.

The proposed Conduct at Meetings and Common Seal Local Law would, if endorsed, effectively replace and simplify Council's Meeting Procedure Local Law.

The following sections of the existing Meeting Procedure Local Law are proposed to be carried over to the new Local Law:

  • The Common Seal;
  • Conduct at Council Meeting; and
  • Infringements for breaching the Local Law.

The new Local Law would add or strengthen rules around:

  • conduct of the public at Council meetings to ensure the health and safety of Councillors, Council Officers and community members in attendance;
  • placards, poster, or objects that are disrespectful in the Chamber; and
  • requiring permission from the CEO to record a Meeting.

The new Local Law would remove the Mayor/Deputy Mayor election and Meetings Procedure sections, which would be contained in the Governance Rules.

The proposed Public Participation Policy merges two existing Council documents:

  • Public Participation at Council Meetings; and
  • Written Public Questions to Council.

We are proposing to convert these guidelines into a standalone Policy to provide greater transparency and clarity around community participation in Council Meetings.

The proposed Policy formalises the current practice of allocating 15 minutes for written public questions towards the beginning of the Council Meeting, and carries over the following conditions:

  • questions must be submitted by midday the business day before the Council Meeting;
  • the submitter can ask up to two questions which cannot exceed 150 words each; and
  • the Mayor may use their discretion in allowing time limits for each speaker depending on how many people register to participate.

The proposed Policy also adds provisions for the Chief Executive Officer to exercise discretion in disallowing vexatious or previously answered questions.

Submit your feedback

You can provide your feedback through any one of the following:

  • Fill out the below submission form.
  • Upload a document through the file upload feature below the survey.
  • Email your submission to: Community Engagement team –
  • Mark your submission 'Conduct at Meetings Local Law Submission' and mail to: Robert Parker, Manager Customer Experience, Glen Eira City Council, PO BOX 42, Caulfield South, Victoria 3162

Submissions must be in writing and received by Council by 20 May 2024.