We are proposing a Rooming House Policy to guide Council's approach to managing rooming houses in Glen Eira. We want your feedback about the draft Policy and how Council can improve our approach to rooming houses.

Rooming House Policy

The draft Policy focuses on educating rooming house operators to improve the standards of rooming houses and protecting the health of our community. It includes Council’s risk management approach, which targets rooming houses that pose greater risks to public health.

The draft Policy covers:

  • Legal roles and responsibilities

  • Education of rooming house operators

  • Improving the standards of rooming houses

  • Protecting the health of our community

What are rooming houses?

Rooming houses offer accommodation for low income and disadvantaged members of our community, particularly those who can’t access, afford, or sustain a tenancy in the private rental market.

A rooming house is a building where one or more rooms are available for rent, and at least four people live. They’re different from share houses because they’re run by a rooming house operator and there are individual agreements with each resident.

Why do we need a Policy?

Council has a role in registering rooming houses and regulating them so they meet minimum standards under state laws.

Our 2019 Rooming House Strategy and Rooming House Working Group (formed with regulatory agencies and health services), responded to community concerns about rooming houses. Since then, we have seen positive change in the community, including fewer complaints about noise, amenity, and anti-social behaviour.

We are proposing a Rooming House Policy to embed the positive change the Strategy created. A policy is different from a strategy because it focuses on Council’s role and responsibilities moving forward, instead of actions over a certain period of time.

Have your say

We’d like to hear your thoughts on our approach to managing rooming houses in Glen Eira. The opportunity for feedback is open until Monday 15 July 2024.

Feedback can be provided:

  • online through the survey below;
  • via email at engagement@gleneira.vic.gov.au; or
  • via post to our Engagement and Insights team, Glen Eira City Council, PO Box 42 Caulfield South, 3162.