Project update - 7 September 2023: Works to commence on Eskdale Road in early October

In March this year, we consulted residents on Eskdale Road about tree planting with a design that expanded tree cover while preserving space for car parking.

Works are scheduled to commence Monday 2 October and will take approximately two weeks to complete.

As part of these works, we will remove and replace unhealthy trees on the north nature strip We will also install new, in-road plantings at selected sites on the southern side of the road.

Please observe signage and updates to parking availability closer to the time of project commencement. Traffic management staff will be onsite during the project to ensure safety for our staff and members of the public.

If you have any queries, please contact Jarrod Knight, Coordinator Urban Forest, on 9524 3637, or send an email including the name of your street to



Our street trees are a critically important part of Glen Eira’s urban forest that comprises all the trees and plants across our public and private land. Collectively this forest provides a range of benefits including cooling during heatwaves; cleaner air and water; habitat for birds and wildlife; enhancing the look and feel of our city and our overall wellbeing.

Following the feedback we received from the residents of Eskdale Street, the trees that we will be planting will be:

  • Coral Gun (Eucalyptus torquate) in the narrow nature strips to the north of the street.
  • Scarlet Oak (Quercus coccinea) in the cut out pits within the roadway on the south side.

Detailed plans of the proposed streetscape and tree species information sheets can be found on the right side of the page.

In the meantime, if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact Jarrod Knight, Coordinator Urban Forest on 9524 3637, or send an email including the name of your street to

We aim to complete the project by the end of October.