This engagement is now closed.

Engagement on our Community Vision check in closed on Saturday 31 August. Thank you for contributing your feedback. We are now working through responses to prepare an engagement summary report to present to Council later this year.

Phase 2 of engagement on our Council Plan 2025–2029 will take place in early 2025. For more information, see below.

Planning our next four years together

Every four years Council must develop a new Council Plan, which is our four-year roadmap of how we will work towards achieving our Community's Vision: A thriving and empowered community working together for an inclusive and sustainable future.

Together, the Community Vision and four-year Council Plan and other important plans guide the way we deliver valued community services and plan for the future of Glen Eira.

As we start creating our four-year plans for 2025–2029, we want to ensure the Vision still reflects your aspirations for Glen Eira and understand which parts of the Vision you want us to focus most on over the next four years.

This is the first of a number of ways you will have the chance to get involved and shape our future plans in a meaningful way over the next 12 months.

Over the last few years, you’ve already given us a lot of feedback on many Council proposals and plans which has deepened our understanding of your priorities. The largest of these engagements was Our Priorities, Our Future, where 1,755 residents told us which services matter most to them, and how we should prioritise them in a financially constrained environment.

The feedback you give us now will also guide the way we plan and focus our resources for the Council Plan 2025–2029 to support our community and help deliver your Vision.

Community Vision six guiding principles

  • Phase one engagement

    Community Vision check in. Revisiting our community's priorities.


  • Phase two engagement

    Initial Council Plan engagement and recruitment of a deliberative panel.

    Early 2025

  • Phase three engagement

    Collaborating with our deliberative community panel.

    Early 2025

  • Phase four engagement

    Broad community engagement. Consulting with our community on the draft Council Plan 2025-2029.

    Early 2025